Thursday, June 30, 2016

Ways on How to Overcome Fear of Visiting Dental Clinics in Singapore

Dental care is more than brushing your teeth three times a day. It is necessary that you have a regular dental checkup every six months. This means that you need to visit a dental clinic in Singapore or wherever you are to have your teeth checked and cleaned. If you or your loved ones are afraid of dentists or going to Singapore dental clinic, here are some ways to overcome such dental anxiety and phobia. Here we discuss the ways on how to help you get rid of the fear and be able to visit dental clinics in Singapore without any hesitations.

Dental anxiety vs. phobia
Although these terms are used to describe one’s fear of dentists or dental clinics, they actually differ. If you are having dental anxiety, you only feel uneasy when it’s time to visit the dentist. But with dental phone, it’s worse. It’s a serious condition characterized with intense fear. You can easily spot a person suffering from dental phobia if they have damaged teeth and gum disease. Their self-esteem is so low, that they wouldn’t even bother to smile. Also, those who feel tense the night before a dental check up is positive with dental phobia. Or they feel totally nervous in the waiting room while waiting for their names to be called.  
The common reasons for dental anxiety and phobia are fear of pain, helplessness, loss of control, and embarrassment.

How to overcome dental anxiety and phobia?
Dental phobia is experienced not only by children or teens but also by adults. So, if you are an adult having dental phobia, it is recommended to have someone you trust to accompany you during your dental visit. It may be your sibling, a close friend, or a colleague.
Relax. Trying relaxation techniques is highly suggested. You take a deep breath, hold it, and then let it out slowly. Keep doing this and your heartbeat will slow. Eventually, it will relax your muscles.
If you don’t really have the courage to face a dentist, you might as well consider seeing a psychologist. Don’t be embarrassed. There’s nothing wrong with seeing a psychologist. In fact, visiting one will help you understand why are you acting this way or what have triggered your phobia or anxiety.

Why should you overcome your dental fear?
If you want to have healthy teeth, then the first step to achieving this goal is to get rid of the fear to going to dentists. Toothache is painful and if you won’t see a dentist, it may get worse and you might experience swelling in your mouth and face. Also, you need to consider your family history. If gum diseases run in the family, it’s time to make a dental visit.
You will start feeling conscious about yourself and shy to smile if you are missing a tooth. Of course, you don’t want this to happen forever. How can you not smile when you see your crush or when you feel happy?

These are enough reasons to see a dentist. Let go of your fear so you can wear your most beautiful smile.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Types of temporary dermal fillers

As we age, different signs of aging occur and become more visible as the year passes. It is the reason why wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin become more obvious than ever. Because of advances to skin care treatments, improving appearance of these signs is becoming easier and faster. There is no need for someone to undergo to surgery to fix their problems. One of the solutions that many people are undergoing is the filler injection that has different types and effects. Below are the three types of the temporary filler injections to make the skin rejuvenate and turn it to younger-looking skin.
Collagen-based fillers
Collagen-based filler is one of the most common and popular types of dermal filler that are preferred by many patients and also recommended by different dermatologists. The process involves injecting the collagen-based fillers under the surface of the skin that results to improvement of the shape, texture, and resilience. Because it had been popular for many years from now, it is already tested and proven to be safe and effective. Aside from this, it is cheaper compared to other types of fillers and the procedure is easy to administer. The fillers are made of natural protein which is safe to be injected into the skin.
However, like other types of temporary fillers, the collagen has also some cons like there is a possibility that a patient might experience allergic reaction to the collagen, which is why it is important that the patient must undergo skin test first to make sure that the collagen will not result bad reaction to the skin. The results of using collagen-based filler is filling in scars and wrinkles to make it less visible, plump lips to make it look luscious and smooth. The result might long from three to eight months depending on the skin.
Hyaluronic acid-based fillers
Another type of temporary dermal fillers is the hyaluronic acid-based fillers. It is usually considered as an alternative to collagen, which is also proven to be safe and effective. It can improve the appearance of wrinkles and facial folds that are usually cause of aging. The procedure involves stabilizing hyaluronic acid that is naturally found in our skin. Stabilizing hyaluronic acid gives the skin fullness and volume to make it look smoother, younger, and healthier. Because of aging, the hyaluronic acid declines, which is the reason why signs of aging are becoming obvious as years pass by. Replenishing damaged hyaluronic acid can rejuvenate the appearance of skin.
The moisture will be attracted by the hyaluronic acid once it is injected to make plumping effect. Wrinkles, fine lines, as well as folds on skin will be minimize and make it less visible. Although often compared to collagen-based fillers, hyaluronic acid-based is proven that its result last longer. It can last from 6-12 months, which is why there is no need to undergo treatments every now and then just to maintain the results.
Calcium Hydroxylapatite
Calcium hydroxylapatite is a type of filler that uses bone-shaped microspheres during the process. These microspheres are suspended in a carboxymethyl cellulose gel. This type of filler is not only used in dermatology field but also in orthopaedic and dental fields. Like other types, calcium hydroxylapatite is also proven to be safe and effective to use. It works similar to poly-L-lactic acid or the semi-permanent fillers. Both fillers stimulate production of collagen but they differ because calcium hydroxylapatite has the capability to be moulded or shaped that can improve contour of the face. The results using this type of temporary filler can last from 1-2 years.
Injecting calcium hydroxylapatite can lift deep depression like nasolabial folds, frown lines, and scars due to acne and injuries. Like skin tightening thermage, this type of filler can also tighten skin and make it look younger and smoother. It can improve the contour of face by injecting the filler into the chin, jaw line, or chin. There is usually no adverse effect that occurs after the procedure unlike using other types of fillers. 

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Non-surgical Procedures that can Make You Look Younger

No matter how much we want to deny that we are getting older, signs of aging can be seen in our faces. It may include wrinkles around our eyes and lips, sagging skin on our cheeks, age spots, and other lines that we can see when we look in the mirror. In recent years, it is hard to take away these signs of aging without the need to undergo surgery. But with different modern advances in skin science, these signs can now be reduced or completely fade away with the use of non-surgical procedures like skin tightening Thermage and using dermal fillers.

Wrinkle remedies
The most common sign of aging that can occur to any gender is the wrinkle. It is not only produced when you become old, because there is still a chance that you can have wrinkles. There are different reasons behind the production of wrinkles such as stress, sun exposure, poor lifestyle, and pollution. The good thing now is that wrinkles can now be reduced or completely removed with different procedures.
One of the common procedures is the dermal filler treatment. It is a non-surgical procedure that can reduce wrinkles and other fine lines. The main purpose of dermal fillers is to add volume to our skin and bring back the collagen, which we need to support and shape our body. Losing collagen is the main cause of visible natural lines and wrinkles. It fills the hollow areas in out face and can plump and define our lips. Younger looking skin will be the result of this type of treatment.
Another common treatment is the injecting of botulinum toxin or commonly known as Botox. It is usually compared to derma filler but Botox can only provide temporary fix. The use of Botox can paralyze the muscles of the target area such as forehead and around the eyes. It relaxes the muscles, which can cause frown lines and crow’s feet. Smoother skin will be the result several days after the procedure.
Skin tightening Thermage
Another common skin aging problems is saggy skin, which can be solved by skin tightening Thermage procedure. It can lift and tighten skin that works best in different areas like face, neck, chest, back of hands, and eyelids. After undergoing this procedure, the fold between mouth and nose will be reduced and eyes will look bigger after applying the skin tightening Thermage will be applied on forehead.
The skin tightening Thermage procedure uses captive radio frequency energy that will heat the inner layers of skin. It can fix skin that are not in shape and wear out its elasticity. The treatment will heat the subcutaneous layer, which is made up of collagen and fat, and the thin outer layer of skin called epidermis. This will result to immediate rejuvenation and tightening of skin’s collagen structure.
However, the non-surgical procedures listed above do not mean there are no risks. There are still possible side effects that can be experienced by patients depending on what procedure they undergo, the condition of skin, and the application process. The bottom line is, non-surgical procedures are still less risky compared to surgical ones. Just be sure to communicate with your dermatologist to know more about the procedures and what you should do after.

Different Types of Acne Scar Treatment in Singapore

Acne is a common skin condition that often occurs when hair follicles become plugged with dead skin cells and oil. It can be worsen due to several factors such as hormones, certain medications, diet, and stress. Acne can appear on your face, back, shoulders, neck, and even chest. It is common to teenagers but younger children can experience this as well. Pimples and bumps may heal but slowly, and it can begin to go away. There is acne treatment in Singapore that is available to prevent it from getting severe.
Although the acne may disappear, lifelong scars are possible that can create wavy texture or boxlike scars, and pits. Aside from creating bumps and redness into our skin, acne can also create emotional damage. The good thing is there is already acne scar treatment that is available to cure this condition. Below are some of these treatments that are effective and safe.

1. Dermabrasion
Aside from minimizing acne scars, dermabrasion has also the capability to minimize surgical scars, minor skin surface irregularities, and other small scars. The procedure will involve removing the top layer of skin with the use of electrical machine designed to abrade the skin. With this type of acne scar treatment, the skin will heal and leave the surface look smoother and fresher. Patients who undergone dermabrasion needs a recovery time that lasts from five to seven days. There is a less invasive option called micro dermabrasion, which is performed in series of treatments and does not require the same recovery time.
2. Chemical peel
When skin care products and other topical medications for acne do not create satisfactory results, one acne treatment in Singapore that is available is chemical peel. It can reduce, control, and eliminate different types of acne. Clearer and healthy-looking skin will be the result of this treatment, which involves applying of chemical solution to the skin. Blister and peeling will happen but as the skin comes off, it will be replaced with new skin. The result will reduce or eliminate the appearance of scars and blemishes caused by acne.  Aside from this, chemical peel can also minimize superficial scars, damaged skin caused by sun, and irregular pigment.
3. Dermal filler
Another effective acne scar treatment involves the injecting of dermal filler. The fillers that will be injected will replace the natural collagen in our body that has been lost. There are different types of dermal fillers, which depend on the skin condition and what it should treat such as scars, wrinkles, and facial lines. This acne scar treatment in Singapore can provide volume on pitted scars, which results to lifting the target area to the level of the surrounding skin. The result can also last for years depending on what type of filler was used. The main purpose of this procedure is not only to fill the areas but also restore it for natural and long lasting results.
4. Laser resurfacing
Laser resurfacing is another type of acne scar treatment that is also effective in reducing wrinkles and other skin conditions. It involves using high-energy light that burns away the damaged skin that needs to be treated, which results to precisely remove skin layer by layer. This procedure has two types called carbon dioxide or CO2, and erbium. Both laser types vaporize damaged skin cells at the surface level. Although it can treat acne scars, this procedure is not recommended for people that have acne and very dark skin. 

Friday, May 27, 2016

Advantages of Invisalign Braces Over Traditional Braces

Everybody wants to have a beautiful smile.
Over the years, innovations in the dental industry have allowed people to enhance their smile. Before you only need to contain yourself to traditional braces if you want to straighten your teeth, but these days you can as well look into getting invisalign braces.
While the end results of getting braces are promising, some are worried they might not be able to speak or eat as they normally would once they already have them installed.
Traditional braces require the use of brackets, but thanks to invisalign you can correct your teeth alignment without these.
Eat comfortably and with ease
Traditional braces may limit your food choices especially after adjustments.
You might feel pain on your teeth and hence would be unable to help yourself to food such as meat, candy, or popcorn. There might even be instances when you’d prefer soft food that doesn’t require heavy chewing.
With invisalign, you no longer have to worry about food you can only take. You can proceed to eating whichever food you want, just the way you do it before you’ve had the straighteners.
Access to a multipurpose gear you can use for years to come
After you’re done with your invisalign and had your teeth alignment corrected, you can still hold on to the gear and use it as a mouth guard.

If you live an active lifestyle, you can make full use of the gear as mouth guard during running or mountain biking. If you tend to grind your teeth during your sleep, you can as well use the gear to protect your tooth enamel against potential damages.

You need not throw away the gear as it can be very functional for your everyday needs.

Device can be removed anytime you want
If you have friends who are wearing traditional braces, you might have heard from them once or twice how they’d want to take the material off their mouth.
That is because it can feel uncomfortable during the first days of wearing it. However, removing traditional braces can only be done by dental professionals. Also, this can only be removed once the treatment is over.
With invisalign, you can take off the straighteners when you deem necessary. You need not worry about putting the treatment to a halt. You can wear the gear again, but just be careful about handling it when not in use. You don’t want it exposed to dirt or worst, lost!
Reducing dental cleaning duration
Crooked teeth can be challenging to clean. If you have crooked teeth and once had dental cleaning, you can attest to this yourself. With invisalign, twisted and crooked teeth are fixed. Eventually, it will no longer take as long to have your teeth cleaned.
Also, it will be easier for you to ensure that your teeth is cleaned. It will be easier to brush and cover all areas of your teeth. There are less chances of food getting trapped between crevices or gaps.
With traditional braces on, chances are food will have to be impacted between the wires. You need to be all the more careful in flossing and brushing so as not to damage your gums.

Improving your speech

How you pronounce words is largely affected by the arrangement of your teeth. If you are having troubles pronouncing particular letters or words, this may be attributed to problems in your teeth alignment. You can have your dentist check on possible solutions.


While traditional braces also help remedy this, the presence of wires and brackets can at first interfere with your speech. You might notice people wearing braces having difficulty pronouncing certain words. With invisalign, you’re able to fine-tune your voice without experiencing further difficulties when speaking.

With invisalign braces, you’re not only able to smile more confidently. Your mouth also functions better. You’re able to clean your teeth more easily and hence prevent tooth decay from building up.
Your teeth, even when crooked or misaligned, can still perform basic tasks such as chewing food. However, it can do tasks more effectively when it’s properly aligned.

If you’re interested to get invisalign, make sure to work only with reputable dental professionals so you can make the most of the product.

Long-Term Benefits of Getting a Tooth Implant Procedure

Dental implants are regarded as the best remedy for missing or broken teeth. This is because they look so natural that the person you’re talking to might not even recognize them the first time, or maybe even during your second encounter with them.
How Does a Dental Implant Work?
Dental implants are attached to your jawbone. This provides the artificial teeth a stable support.
A tooth implant would stay in place and does not need occasional removal. They are designed to anchor into the jaw and ensures secure fit. They wouldn’t shift, move or affect teeth adjacent to them. A tooth implant cost is usually higher than other tooth replacement options available today. However, you also get enjoy more benefits from it.
Some people are simply not comfortable wearing dentures or having ordinary bridges installed. The good thing with a dental implant is that it does not affect adjacent teeth. Your adjacent teeth need no additional preparation before the dental implant procedure.
It’s important to make sure that you’re a good candidate for a dental implant. You need to have healthy gums and bone. A good dentist in Singapore would be able to check if you’re fit for the procedure. Also, note that it does not end with having the implants installed. You also need to ensure regular dental checkups and good oral hygiene routine.
Benefits of Getting Dental Implants
Here are a few more reasons why you should consider a dental implant procedure.
Bringing back your beautiful smile. Without teeth, your face can appear sunken. Missing teeth is also one reason why some feel shy to smile. With the help of dental implants, you’re able to regain and maintain the natural shape of your face. You’d also be able to smile the way you used to. Being able to smile as often as possible helps make you feel better. And if you’re happy how your teeth look, you’d feel more confident to start or join in a conversation.
It’s the closest thing to a natural teeth. Dental implant is a stable tooth replacement. It allows you to speak and eat comfortably. It looks and functions the way a natural tooth does. You need not take it off and then wear again every time just so you can perform normal everyday activities. It doesn’t interfere and it lets you live normally. 
Do more things with confidence. If you’re holding back joining or getting started with activities because you feel embarrassed of your smile, then you have more reasons to consider getting dental implants. You no longer have to worry about your teeth falling out or loosening whenever you move around. A dental implant is stable and it wouldn’t limit you whatever it is that you need to get done. You enjoy more freedom. You’d feel better about yourself.
They are designed to provide long-term solution. With proper care, dental implants can last for over ten years. Make sure that you’re going to a trusted dental professional for your dental implant. You’d want to still be able to reach your dentist years after getting the procedure. Check if the clinic has been around for sometime already. Do look into customer feedback as well. If possible, ask if the clients are happy with the results of their dental implants.
Speak comfortably. Removable dentures can affect your manner of speaking as you struggle to pronounce words. This is especially the case if you’ve just started using it. With dental implants, you’d be able to speak easily. It also doesn’t require long period of time just so you can get used to it.
Eat whatever you want. Now you can try and eat whatever you want minus the hesitation. Your teeth would do fine! You can bite naturally and help yourself to crunchy, crispy snacks. You need not worry that your tooth might slip. This would feel comfortable, it’s as though you’re using your natural tooth. You can indulge with your foodie friends and not be shy about taking the first bite of the dish.

Finally, keeping healthy bone and teeth protected. It is not recommended to leave empty spaces in your mouth for long as this can result to health issues. Your jawbone is likely to get damaged in the process. Also, if you’re using tooth-supported bridge, grinding may cause damages to your healthy teeth. With a dental implant, your healthy teeth remain healthy and your jawbone is protected.

Popular Wedding Hand Bouquet Flowers

Wedding hand bouquet is one of the things that every bride’s top priority. It may seem that choosing on what to order from hand bouquet delivery is easy, but there are things to consider such as the colour of the wedding gown, as well as the theme of the wedding. There are plenty of types of flowers to choose from, but not every type will suit for a certain wedding. With the long list of flowers, below are the top choices of most brides to be or be part of their wedding hand bouquet.
Ask any online florist and they will tell you that rose is indeed the top choice of many brides. It is because the price is cheap compared to other flowers, and it is always in season. Aside from this, rose is one of the flowers that can be turned into a stunning hand bouquet. There are plenty of colours that you can choose from that signifies different meanings and can be combined to make it look more romantic. Rose is known to show beauty, passion, and love, which is why many people like to receive one. Aside from different colours of roses, there are other varieties where the roses have striped and tipped colours that look elegant.
If you want to have a traditional yet stunning wedding bouquet, then rose is a perfect choice. There are top three types of rose you can have for your wedding namely hybrid tea rose, spray rose, and garden rose. The hybrid tea rose has the classic and uniformly-shaped commercial look that you can easily order from an online florist. While the spray rose has a naturally garden-grown look that has five to ten small heads on every stem. And lastly, the garden rose has open heads and bushy that is perfect for old-fashion preference. However, this variety can be expensive but will surely be a great bouquet to hold as you walk down the aisle.
Tulip is a type of flower that is included in the lily family. It comes in different colours such as yellow, white, pink, red, orange, and the popular purple and violet. Each colour has its own meaning like the colour yellow tulip symbolizing cheerful thoughts, while the white tulip symbolizes forgiveness. The violet and purple symbolizes royalty, and the red tulip means perfect love. Although, the tulip have been known to represent happy years and consuming love, which is why it is one of the types of flowers that can be a great wedding hand bouquet. It is also available most time of the year, which is why it is affordable but the rare varieties can be a lot expensive.
Aside from being one of the top choices for wedding, tulip can also be ordered from hand bouquet delivery to give during 11th wedding anniversary. It is because tulip is considered as the 11th wedding anniversary flower, which the velvety black centre of the tulip represents a lover’s heart, which was darkened by the heat of passion. Every tulip hand bouquet can represent both grace and elegance. In addition, tulip can be versatile because it looks good to use in wedding bouquet, boutonnieres, and to table setting as well. Once you decided that tulips are perfect for you, you can choose the Dutch tulip, French tulip, or the parrot tulip, which are common among all the varieties.
If as a bride, you wanted a flower that has a full head, bright colour, and comes in a large appearance, then peony is the perfect choice. During the Victorian era, peony symbolizes bashfulness. However, nowadays, peony has become a symbol of different values and ideas. It includes honour, wealth, romance, and beauty in all forms. It is usually chosen by brides who want to have either a garden or rustic wedding theme, or the elegant and lavish wedding. There are also brides who love to mix this type of flower with succulents as their wedding bouquet.

Aside from being a great hand bouquet choice, peony is also considered as the state flower in Indiana, a traditional floral symbol in China, and the flower for 12th wedding anniversary. This type of flower represents prosperity and romance. Aside from this, it is a popular wedding bouquet because it is regarded as a sign of good fortune and happy marriage. When choosing a type of peony, go for the tree peony and the herbaceous peony. It is not only looking gorgeous for hand bouquet but also on flower arrangements and elegant centrepieces. Although it can be a great bouquet, keep in mind that peony can be expensive. It is because it is only available seasonally, which is from late spring to early summer.

Birthday Flowers by Month

In every occasion, giving flowers is one of the top choice of showing love and gratitude aside from giving gifts. It is because it conveys different messages and emotions. One of the occasions that are perfect to send some flowers is during birthdays. It might not be known to most people, but there are different types of flowers that symbolizes each month of a person’s birth. These flowers are called birth flower, but for florists it is known as flowers by month. If you choose to give flower bouquet for someone’s birthday, below are the different types of flower for each month.
Carnation is one of the types of flower that is available in wide range of colours. It is considered as the birth flower for January that comes in different sizes. Carnation flowers, according to florists from Singapore, became popular because of its sweet fragrance and ruffled petals. This birth flower for January symbolizes distinction, love, and fascination. It also represents mother’s love, which is why it is also popular to be given during mother’s day and teacher’s day. Aside from this, carnation also conveys the message of gratitude and happiness.
The month of February is considered as the most romantic month for the whole year. It is because Valentine’s Day is celebrated during this month. The iris flower is considered as the birth flower during this month because it symbolizes Iris, who is a Greek goddess. Iris is a messenger of love, which makes the flower’s elegance. It symbolizes hope, eloquence, wisdom, and faith. Iris is available in different colours such as blue, white, pink, red, yellow, and purple. There are also iris flowers with the combination of two colours, which explains why it is named as iris because in Greek term, it means rainbow.
Daffodil has its cheerful vibe, which signals the return of warmer days. It is the reason this type of birth flower for March symbolizes rebirth and new beginnings. Aside from being popularly known as daffodil, it is also sometimes called as narcissus or jonquils. Chinese believe that daffodil that bloomed during New Year, it will bring good luck. Aside from this, it also symbolizes faithfulness, respect, modesty, chivalry, and friendship. It is also considered as the 10th wedding anniversary flower. Avoid giving this flower in a single bloom because many believe it conveys misfortune.
For the month of April, daisy is considered as the birth flower. This cheerful and colourful flower has a wide range and available in different colours such as yellow, orange, white, purple, and pink. Even though each colour symbolizes certain messages, daisy is known to be symbol of joy, innocence, and simplicity. It can also be given for people who will be having a new beginning and as a sign of giving a good luck. During old times, daisy means trust and loyalty.
Lily is one of the types of flower, which is loved by florist in Singapore because of its sweet scent and bright colours. This birth flower for May represents friendship, humility and devotion. Aside from this, lily is also considered as the 30th wedding anniversary flower. It has different varieties that convey different message and emotion. Lilies in white colour represent virtue and chastity, while the Peruvian lilies symbolize devotion and friendship. Pink stargazer symbolizes wealth and prosperity, and the white stargazer represents sympathy.
The birth flower for June is probably the most popular type of flower, which is rose. Generally, this type of flower is known to be a symbol of love and affection. However, because it is available in different colours, the meanings of each one differ from another. Red is for romantic love, white for purity and innocence, pink for admiration, orange for enthusiasm, yellow for friendship, and purple for love at first sight. Aside from its colour, the number of stems that turned by florist to become bouquet also represents different message.
Larkspur is an old-fashioned flower that is considered as the birth flower for July. It symbolizes sweet disposition, carefree, and lightness. Because of its tall spikes with colourful petals, this type of flower is perfect to be presented in a vase or sit in a rustic basket. Most people think that larkspur is only available in purple colour, but there are actually with blue, lavender, or pink in colour. It also symbolizes strong attachment, love, and affection.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Latest Technologies in Singapore Dental Clinics

Dental clinics in Singapore continue to innovate their services to provide their patients with only the best. They persistently search for the latest tech in order to make dental procedures as efficient and satisfying as possible. These procedures have relieved patients of oral diseases, as well as prevented these things from happening again. For the people who are currently experiencing oral problems and for those who are generally curious, we’ve listed down the latest dental tech you avail in Singapore.
1.       Digital X-Rays
Digital x-rays not only perform faster, but also has less radiation than traditional x-rays. If you’re the type of patient who is always on-the-go and has a busy schedule to begin with, getting a digital x-ray is more favourable because it generates results in less than a minute.
2.       Dental Implants
Dental implants in Singapore is currently the rave. For patients with missing teeth, dentists highly recommend this procedure. The implants technically serve as replacements for missing teeth and they feel more natural than dentures do. The latter could fall off even with the slightest error in measurement, whereas the implants are rooted in the gum area to remain intact at all times. Implants provide a more suitable fit because they’re measured per replacement as compared to the whole removable denture.
3.       Teeth Whitening
What you see on television is real. TV personnels do invest in teeth whitening products and services. A reputable dental clinic would be able to make your teeth whiten by using an effective whitening treatment, as well as by applying it correctly. Some clinics offer a one-day treatment. Latest tech are often in demand for this reason: procedures with quick results.
4.       Laser Dentistry
Dental lasers are used for oral dentistry and surgery in Singapore. Dental implant is a common surgical procedure alongside oral dentistry procedures which eradicate tooth decay, gum disease, lesions, as well as promote teeth whitening. In contrast to traditional dental drills, lasers prevent patients from experiencing intense discomfort and reduce swelling and bleeding after procedure. However, dental drills are still important in a variety of ways so patients should still expect it to be part of normal dental procedures.
5.       Invisalign
Invisalign braces are nearly invisible because they’re made of plastic. It has the same function as conventional braces, but without the intense pain and discomfort some patients have experienced with metal braces. Invisalign is more gentle and provides more comfort to patients in general. Patients who opt for invisalign can eat any types of food, whereas food restrictions are present for patients with metal braces. If you have low pain tolerance, it would be better to have invisalign braces rather than suffer from the other.

These latest advancements were not necessarily launched in recent years but these innovations have made improvements which made dental procedures more satisfying, tolerable, and worthwhile. Some clinics provide most of the services we’ve listed here, as well as other advanced technologies available in the international market whilst some clinics prefer specialising on only a few. Amongst the ones we’ve mentioned, is any of them applicable to your oral health condition? 

Pain Management: Tooth Extraction Maintenance

Patients who recently had a tooth extraction in a dental clinic or those who will soon undergo the same procedure should know this: all patients have varying degrees of pain tolerance but there are ways to combat the discomfort. Here, we’ll provide you with pain management tips through frequently asked questions or concerns from patients, and the answers through which you can resolve them.
     When in pain, should I take medicine?
You should only take the painkillers as prescribed by your dentist. Painkillers help lessen the discomfort. Although not entirely, the aches and pains you’re feeling in the gum area would become more bearable than it is without. Painkillers you often take to relieve headache would also suffice, however inform your dentist about it and acknowledge his or her opinion. So long as you avoid aspirin, you’d do just fine.
     Why do I need to avoid aspirin?
Aspirin, even if taken in low dosage, has the potential to cause bleeding in the gum area. Prevent this from happening as early as possible. In case you’re required to take aspirin for reasons excluding the tooth extraction, talk to your physician about your recent extraction or dental implant. Surely, he or she will understand and provide you with effective alternatives.
     What if my gums are bleeding?
Dental implant, which usually comes after a tooth extraction, causes minor bleeding. It’s perfectly normal whilst the wound is still fresh on both sides. The amount of bloody discharge will vary from patient to patient. Moreover, keep in mind it’s mixed with saliva—the element which makes it look thicker. In case it happens to you, do the following things:
     Prepare a slightly thick cloth (i.e., small towel or handkerchief)
     Put gentle pressure on the socket.
     Hold for 15 minutes or so.
     Bite the cloth with force.

     Should I gargle after the procedure?
The simple answer would be no. The tooth socket is basically a fresh wound after the tooth extraction. It needs to heal just like any other wound in the body. Even after you’ve exited the dental clinic where you had the procedure, you have to wait for at least twenty-four hours before drinking hot or alcoholic beverages. Moreover, infection can develop if the tongue continuously touch the socket or if the food gets stuck there. So as much as possible, avoid eating on the side where the empty socket is and avoid touching it.
     Other than the precautions mentioned above, what else should I take into account?
Whilst chewing food, be careful not to include your cheek as it mostly happens when the gum feels numb. After the procedure, get plenty of rest.
     In case of infection, what do I do?
Having an infection is extremely painful, to the point where it’s no longer bearable. It happens when the tooth socket loses the blood clot which protects it. It gets exposed to infection like that. In case this happens, set an appointment with your dentist.

The answers to these frequently asked questions should be able to help you manage the pain and the healing process. It might be difficult to bear the pain during the first few days but you’re stronger than you think! Refer to this list in case you have a specific concern which has been discussed here. You’ll do fine so long as you do the right things and avoid the bad ones.

Preparation Before Undergoing Skin Tightening Treatments

Nonsurgical skin tightening procedures have been popular over the years because it improves the quality of skin and corrects its laxity. There are different procedures that can be performed including radio frequency, intense pulsed light, and ultrasound. Thermage skin tightening treatment is a radio frequency treatment that is proven and tested. This treatment transforms the skin and corrects the imperfections of skin. It is recommended for people who have loose skin on some body parts and if they have residual skin laxity, which resulted from operation procedure. 

Thermage is the most popular brand used in radio frequency procedure in Singapore. It is safe to use in treating some body parts including tummy, hands, buttocks, face, arms, lips, thighs, and eyes. The thermage skin tightening radiofrequency energy infiltrates deep into the tissue of skin. It heats the area to be treated and encourages production of collagen. However, the upper layer of the skin is not damaged and cooled so you do not have to worry feeling the heat. Below are the things you need to be aware of before undergoing thermage skin tightening treatment and what you can expect during thermage skin tightening.

Instructions before the procedure will be advised by your surgeon. While having discussion with the surgeon, make sure to ask him the questions bothering you and discuss your medical history in detail to ensure that the procedure will be safe and effective. Aside from these, you also need to undergo physical examination before the procedure to determine your health and fitness. Below are the most common things you should do to prepare yourself for the thermage procedure.
Do not take herbal medications, aspirin, and some anti-inflammatory medicines because these can result to increase bleeding.
Whatever skin tightening procedure you will be undergoing, being hydrated before and after the procedure is very important because it will help your body to safely recover.
Stop using any skin care products before the procedure because the ingredients of these products might result to the increase the risk of experiencing complications from treatment.
If you are smoking, stop it for at least six weeks before the thermage skin tightening procedure to encourage faster and better healing.

What to expect
1. Thermage Singapore treatment usually lasts for at least 30 to 90 minutes. However, some procedures take longer than the said time.
2. There are monitors during the procedure that will indicate your pulse, heart rate, the amount of oxygen in your body, and your blood pressure. These monitors are for your safety while the procedure is happening. During the procedure, certain medications will be given to you to avoid feeling discomfort during the thermage skin tightening treatment.
3. The treatment plan discussed by your doctor during your first visit will be followed. The plan is based on your physical characteristics and the goal of the procedure. The experience and training undergone by the surgeon will also be one of the basis of the treatment plan.
4. After undergoing the surgery, you will be taken to the recovery area. The monitoring of your health after the procedure will continue.

5. Depending on what plan that have been made between you and your surgeon, you can either go home after the observation period or go on with other post-treatment recovery plans. 

Removing The Past: Having Your Scars Treated This Summer

Acne scars, like other kinds of scar can be easily or difficult to be treated depending on its condition. There are acne scar treatments that can work for you just by applying some cream or taking medications. However, not all acne treatment in Singapore can work for your skin type so you really have to ask the help of professionals. There are different types of acne scars including boxcar, ice pick rolling, and hypertrophic, which is less common. Aside from the condition of the acne scar, its type is also one of the factors that will indicate on which treatment that you need. Below are the common treatments that can be combined to improve your complexion and lessen or totally wipe out your acne scars.

Home treatment
The procedure involves using of skin care products that can be bought in drugstores. These products include sunscreen and bleaching agents, which will improve the appearance of scars by changing your skin colour and limit the contrast of your acne.

Laser resurfacing
Acne scar treatment procedure involves using laser in able to improve the appearance of the skin as well as minimizing the acne scars in every sessions.

A technique in which wire brush or fraise will be used in removing the top layer of skin. The brush rotates quickly to take off and abrade the layer of the skin to make deeper scars to be less noticeable. Dermabrasion is recommended for deep and severe acne scars.

Botox injection
Acne scar treatment in Singapore that will involve injecting botulinum toxin into the skin around the acne scars. This procedure is done when the skin around the scars started to wrinkle. The Botox injection takes several sessions that will gradually help improve the appearance of skin.

Chemical peeling
Chemical peeling involves removing the top layer of skin to minimize deep scars. The chemical that will be applied during the procedure is the high-potency acid.

Tissue fillers
The procedure involves injecting fat or collagen under the skin. The collagen or fat will stretch the skin and fill out the scars that are indented, which lessen the appearance of scars. Several sessions might be needed because the results are only temporary.

Rolling or needling
The procedure involves using a needle-studded device that will be rolled over the skin. The device will stimulate the underlying tissue. This procedure is safe and simple that often results to subtle improvement of the acne scars depending on how many times it will be repeated.

Energy-based procedures
Radiofrequency devices will be used in the procedure that can make the scars lighten. Aside from this, pulsed light sources can also be used without the need to damage or removing top layer of skin. However, the result may be subtle and needed to repeat the procedure.

The procedure will only be minor surgery that is called punch excision. The procedure involves cutting of individual scars and repair the wound by stitching it or with skin graft. Another surgery in treating acne scars is called subcision. The procedure involves the insertion of needles under the skin. Subcision will help the fibres below the scars to loosen, which results to the improvement of scar appearance.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Flower Delivery Shops in Singapore

Flowers are so much more than its beauty because it can deliver message as well our emotions. Aside from jewelleries and other gifts, flowers are one of the top choices that people like to give in any kind of occasion. They might die after some time, but the joy and happiness that the recipient will feel after receiving flowers will last for a lifetime. If you want to send someone a bouquet of their favourite flowers together with some gift baskets to brighten up their day, congrats them on their new job, or just show that you care, below are different flower delivery shops in Singapore where you can order.
FarEast Flora
One of the most popular flower delivery shops in Singapore is the FarEast Flora. With its many chains in different locations, it is in no doubt that, FarEast Flora had been fulfilling its tag line, which states "Make someone smile today". Aside from being a shop where you can buy numerous types of fresh flowers, this shop has also have other things more than being a flower shop. You can also buy different hampers and gift baskets that are perfect for different occasions. In addition, if you are getting tired of giving flowers on a bouquet, then why not try to give flowers inside a box. It is true that FarEast Flora flower delivery in Singapore is full of surprises, which you can pass this surprise to your special loved one. In any occasion, you will surely pick something from this shop and you will surely make someone smile today.

Flower Advisor
One of the flower delivery in Singapore that can offer not only beautiful bouquets but also affordable ones is the Flower Advisor. There are over 150 designs of bouquets that you can choose from that would not cost you too much. From roses, to lilies, to carnations, to tulips, florists in Flower Advisor can surely offer you a bouquet that anyone would love. Aside from occasions like birthdays and anniversaries, they also offer table flowers and hand bouquets for weddings. If you are lover of roses, then Flower Advisor is a perfect flower shop for you because they offer all colours of roses, which you can choose based on what message you wanted to give. In addition, Flower Advisor also offer great selection of wines and spirits, which you can add to the bouquet you will be giving. While if the recipient is not a lover of wine, you can add gift basket or hamper instead. They also offer flower delivery in other countries.

24 Hrs City Florist
This flower delivery shop in Singapore can be located in Lavender Street and Anson Road. Whenever you want to send flowers or gift baskets, you can order at 24 Hrs City Florist. They offer free delivery during office hours within Singapore. You can buy bouquets and flower arrangements that are perfect for any occasions like graduation, birthday, Valentine’s Day, or you just want to send some apologies or want to show your care by giving something to send your get well soon message. It is true that other flower shops offer gift baskets and hampers for certain occasions, but with 24 Hrs City Florist, they also offer hampers and bouquets for several festivals like Deepavali, Chinese New Year, and Hari Raya.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

What You Need to Know Before Going To Your Dental Clinic For A Tooth Extraction

Think it’s time to go to a dental clinic for a tooth extraction? As you would learn from any dental clinic in Singapore, there are several reasons why you will need to have a tooth removed.
Reasons for Tooth Extraction
If decay has damaged a tooth beyond repair, then that tooth will have to be extracted. Another reason for tooth extraction is when other extra teeth get in the way of another tooth, then those extra teeth will have to be removed. For those looking to get braces, a dentist may as well advise the need for tooth extraction to make way for other teeth that will have to be moved. Those who are taking medications may also have to have a tooth removed due to infection. It’s best that you go to dental professionals to ensure that a tooth extraction is necessary.
Once you have confirmed that you need a tooth extraction, don’t be nervous.  Your dentist will help ensure that the process will be as quick and painless as possible. Yes, getting a tooth removed sounds scary and that’s okay. It’s not uncommon for adults to fear tooth extraction, let alone see a dentist. But if you can no longer deal with the pain and the only way to end it is undergoing the process, then you might as well say yes to it. After all, you have nothing to fear as long as you’re confident with your dentist.
Preparing for Tooth Extraction
Tooth extraction is a common procedure that dentists carry out for their patients. Here are few things to expect during a tooth extraction.
If it’s a simple tooth extraction, there is not much preparation to do. You may want to confirm with your dentist, though, if you would need to skip a meal or lessen your food intake before the procedure. You need not worry about pain or discomfort as simple extractions are performed with local anesthetics. However, in case you notice signs of infection or problem with your mouth days before the extraction, it’s best to advise your dentist immediately. This way, they would be able to check if it’s safe to still proceed with the procedure or if it needs to be rescheduled.
On the other hand, if it will be a wisdom tooth extraction, or a more complex procedure, then preparation is another story. For instance, if the procedure also requires a dental implant in Singapore and it can no longer be delayed,  chances are you will not be allowed to eat anything 12 hours before your appointment. These extractions will take longer and so you need to be relaxed.

Don’t hesitate to ask help from your dentist should you have issues with the procedure. Dental professionals understand that people have varying feelings toward dental procedures or operations. They have also worked with countless patients before you, probably with worries similar to yours. Your dentist can then help make sure that you’re ready for the tooth extraction.  Also, with the technological advancements these days, you can keep peace of mind knowing that tooth extraction, along with other Singapore dental implant procedures are no longer invasive and painful.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Surprising your partner while in SG this summer

If we will talk about one of the best vacation spots in Asia, Singapore will probably top the list. With its fast paced culture, Singapore best fit young individuals who are trying to escape their usual routine while still feeling at home. That is one of the reasons why Singapore is a top choice among young couples. Now, since we are talking about young couples vacationing in Singapore, what could be the best way to surprise a partner while at it? Well, sending them flowers is still the best way to do it.

The challenge to that is how are you going to sneak out from your partner to buy her flowers? Singapore itself offers a solution. Other than having one of the fastest internet connections in the world, the city state also offers flowers online! Online flowers industry is a booming business in Singapore these days. You can choose from a variety of websites that can help you out choose a type of flower that best suits your relationship.

In Singapore, you can surely find a florist that can turn your ideas into a sweet memory. Yes, you can request for a customized bouquet that will sure hit the right spot in your partner’s heart. If you are not that much of a creative type of person, don’t worry because most online florists have friendly customer service representatives that can suggest the perfect concept for your partner.

Bonus tips!
Surprising her with flowers can surely seal the deal, but it can get even sweeter if you will do something remarkable in line with it.

Take her out on a romantic dinner date at Singapore’s best restaurant for flower lovers – the Pollen. In relationship, you need to have continuity. Where else in Singapore can you find a perfect spot to surprise your lover with flowers, right? Pollen is definitely the best choice if you want to be consistent! Just make sure your lover is in for some Mediterranean and European cuisines. Well, who can say no to a restaurant that is considered one of the ten best restaurants for lovers in Singapore?

And now let’s go to the main event - surprising your partner.  As mentioned above, Singapore caters probably the most creative florists in the world. But it is not mentioned that the flowers can also be delivered anywhere! Yes, while you are sharing a romantic dinner with your partner, online florists would take over the rest of the job. Just choose the best online florist with a fast flower delivery in Singapore of your choice beforehand. Just send them your details and for sure you can come up with a perfect timing as to how and when the flowers will be delivered!

This is just one of the many ways on how to surprise your partner while you are in Singapore, but for us, there is no other way to show your love but by going back to basic! After all, who can say no to flowers, right?

5 Beauty Tips: Getting Ready for Your Summer Getaways

Want to look stunningly beautiful this summer? Don’t frown on the ‘stunning’ part because we’re here to make it happen. I’ll provide you with ten of the easiest yet most effective tips that would certainly bring out the best in you, from head to toe. Let’s get started, shall we?

1.       Face
Say goodbye to pimples and dark spots with an acne treatment in Singapore. Apparently, there are two ways to get rid of these things. One is by continuously using facial products that help prevent pimple breakout and dry out the existing ones. Secondly, allow a dermatologist to conduct a facial and help clear your skin with an acne scar treatment. If you want immediate results, go for the second option. The dermatologist would be able to extract the acne from the surface to the core, then give you products and other types of treatments to make it heal faster.

2.       Hair
Make your hair look naturally glossy this summer! If you’re planning a summer beach trip, make sure you bring a bottle of conditioner. This prevents your hair from damage caused by extreme heat. Dryness can lead to further damage like more hair fall, split ends, dandruff, and more. What’s more, the salty sea can tangle your hair in one-big-mess. Protect your hair from these damages by conditioning your hair.

3.       Body
Buy a sunscreen. Use it to protect your face from harsh UV rays. Various parts of your body will always be exposed to the sun, so make sure to dab on some sunscreen before hitting the beach or wherever it is you’re going. If you plan on swimming, there are water resistant sunscreens. Keep in mind that it’s only water resistant for a couple of minutes or hours, so bring it wherever you go and apply it as often as it removes from your skin. Also, pick SPF 30 or higher.

4.       Back
Look flawlessly beautiful without acne on your back. Before heading to your summer destination, make sure to get an acne treatment in Singapore. You have to do this in advance because it usually takes an average of 2 to 4 sessions and there needs to be an interval so that your skin can rest and heal for a while. Afterwards, that’s the time wherein the dermatologist would do the acne scar treatment procedure—where the reddish-dark spots disappear from view.

5.       Overall Skin
The summer sun can be extremely harsh on your skin most especially if it’s the sensitive type. It can cause painful sunburn, skin peeling, darker skin, and more. To prevent these things from happening, bring the necessary materials and make sure to use them before or whilst you’re out in the sun:

        Sunscreen - Dab lightly on skin; reapply when necessary.
        Umbrella - To block the heat and the sun rays from scorching your skin.
        Hat - To block your face and protect your eyes from the sun.
        After Sun Gel - Cool and gentle on the skin—hydrates your skin and prevents peeling.

Here are five summer beauty tips before, during, and after your summer vacation. Keep these in mind for gorgeous skin all throughout! You can also put on lip and cheek makeup, and tanning lotion for more glamour.